1). Gravity is Shifted. Everything/everyone not attached to the ground, within 60ft, or weighing more than 500 pounds moves in a random direction. Roll 1d6. On 1 everyone is forced to ground dealing 1d6 damage and is knocked prone. On 2-5 everyone is pulled towards a cardinal direction. 2 North, 3 East, 4 South, and 5 West. On a roll of 6 zero gravity environment, Must push off something to move. Effect lasts 1 minute or until dispelled. Players tumble 60ft per turn when tumbling.
2). All living things size tiny or larger (large flowers, birds, mice) become awakened without loyalty or components. Range 30ft, effect is permanent but usually not shared through ancestors.
3). The closest (usually something the players are holding) Ferrous metal object (iron nickel tungsten or cobalt) becomes charged with 200 lbs of magnetic force. Dc 18 strength check to keep something from happening. Effect lasts 1 minute.
4). Veil between realities is broken and one small or tiny creature foreign to this plane (usually an imp, modrun, or mephit, though it can be anything CR 1 or less) arrives for 1d4 days or until killed.
5). One random object falls under a tiny servant spell (Xanathar’s guide) within 30ft. Effect lasts 1d20 hours.
6). You can detect all magic and it’s type within 60ft. Take 1 physic damage every minute you hold one. Effect lasts one day.
7). Regain a spell slot. All creatures within 30 ft take 1d4x the spellslot’s level in necrotic damage. Max Spell slot Level 5.
8). You become bioluminescent for 1d20 hours with bright light for 10ft and dim light for 10ft beyond that. Take 1d6 radiant damage when this first happens, Disadvantage on stealth checks.
9). You hear voices from somewhere. It’s actually a narration of the nearest unconscious semi intelligent creature’s dream. Effect lasts twenty minutes.
10). Time enough for necromancy. A 1ft wide sphere of dark rippling material is summoned in a random location within 30ft. If a creature touches this it takes 5d6 necrotic damage and the area of contact is aged ten years. Sphere remains 1 hour or until dispelled with a dc 18 check.
11). A zone of truth is place in a 30ft radius. For 1 minute nobody can lie intentionally. It is a Dc 15 check to be aware that this effect is occurring.
12). Polymorph into a mouse for 1d12 turns. Note you can still attack and cast spells. It merely does one tenth the damage or has one tenth the effect.
13). You cast gaseous form on yourself without the damage resistances for 1d6 turns.
14). You cast etherealness on yourself for 1d6 turns. After that you’re back in reality.
15). A duplicate of someone within 30ft or yourself appears and both of you believe to be the original. Both of you know that within twenty four hours only one can remain. (note the person who dies in 24 hours will turn to dust as well as all their possessions, the victor will always wonder if they were the original or not.)
16). Roll 2d6 one at a time while going down your six stats from the top. The first stat is reduced to 1 for one minute, the other stat is increased to 20 for one minute. This has no effect if the creature has a stat higher than 20 already. Note a creature cannot automatically die if their constitution is reduced, but they can be reduced to one hitpoint per level.
17). You radiate death, all creatures within a 15ft radius except the person affected take 2d4 necrotic damage per turn. Note Cover can block this effect. The spellcaster regains half of all hp collected. This effect lasts 1 minute.
18). You see the location of the stars at all times for 1d4 days. Faintly you can hear the music of the spheres.
19). You and all creatures within a 30ft radius are blind for 1d4 rounds.
20). You have attracted an ancient being from an incomprehensible distance away. You know it’s direction in that instant and it knows yours. What you chose to do with that information is up to you.
21). Illusions of words appear in this air (often onamonapias) accompanied by musical notes that describe the actions you take. Effect lasts 5 minutes, disadvantage on stealth checks while under this effect.
22).Turn all semi recognizable corpses into undead within 50ft. The undead are loyal to no one, in the event of no corpses, consider an undead mouse.
23). Both you and your greatest enemy are reduced to making quacking noises for one minute. (no effect on spellcasting, can speak to ducks, ducks cannot speak back.)
24). For a radius of 100ft around you (but not through cover or around corners) a aura of ice is formed dealing 1x spell level in cold damage to everyone affected. DC 10 dexterity check to move without slipping and falling prone.
25). Effects of a plant growth spell on the closest growable object. (could be a flower on ground, mold in old boots, a potato in someone’s rations) Dexterity check DC14 to not be restrained.
26). The GM replaces 1 language you speak with 3 other proficientcys for 24 hours. (could be exotic languages, musical instruments, or a tool such as painting)
27). A random person within 50 ft is forgotten entirely for 1d8 days. Everyone around them forgets that they even exist. This doesn't affect the world records of them still exist and people can form memories of them from that point on. But everyone's minds have just sort of erased said person from history up till that point. After said 1d8 days all memories of said person return.
28). Roll 1d6 going down your stats. 1=Str 2=Dex 3=Con 4=Wis 5=Int and 6=Cha, this score goes down by 1 permanently. Roll another d6 this stat goes up by 2 permanently, note this can be the same score.
29). Summon a tiny slime like creature. Creature has 1hp and an AC of 15. If it crawls into a sleeping person or dead person’s mouth they will turn into an undead creature, this can create more tiny necrotic slimes that can expand the effect. On summoning, DC 10 check to notice the necrotic slime. Essentially a tiny undead oblex.
30). Take 1d10 points of madness or corruption (if no madness rules, roll physic damage 1d4X5) Then character learns one trainable proficiency (such as a language or tool) for thirty days, if this is practiced for at least 1 hour daily, it becomes a permanent proficiency.
31). Cloramorphosis, the character’s skin turns slightly greener and their veins are a dark pine color. This person regains 1hp per hour when in sunlight or bright light. This effect lasts 1d6 days.
32). Chlorine breath, gain the ability to breath a cloud of poison as an attack for 1d6 days. This does 1d12 poison damage vs DC15 con save, range of 10ft.
33). All metal in a 10ft radius begins to heat for 1d4 turns. Anyone touching a metal item in this time takes 2d8 fire damage. Note this has a small chance of setting wood buildings on fire if they use nails.
34). You gain the power to fly, 1 inch off the ground for 24 hours.
35). Gain the power to speak to animals but they refuse to tell you anything important or will outright lie (cats). This effect lasts 1 hour.
36). Vomit up a live animal size tiny or smaller. A dc 10 animal handling check is needed to ensure this animal isn’t hostile once it exits. Note this can also be something like a robins egg to reduce grossness/ increase oddness.
37). Become proficient in a random vehicle type for 1 year. It can be anything but so it will probably be useless. Examples, spelljamming, dog sleds, dragon riding, chariots, submarines, airships, burrowers, centaurs. Will have a tiny feeling of understanding if you see that vehicle within that year.
38).You are given one prepared spell of either, Summon greater demon, conjure elemental, Awaken, conjure celestial, or animate objects. Dm’s decision, note materials cost is required. This does not count against your prepared spells list noted. Once cast this prepared spell does not return unless relearnt the hard way.
39). Change your race and possible gender. Roll on resurrection table for the sake of simplicity ignore ability score modifiers if you desire. Can be cured by a remove curse within one year or effect is permanent.
40).Change your class till the next long rest, retain your lv, player picks the subclass. For the sake of simplicity, consider using the same skill proficiencies and taking the medium number of hit points. For spells prepared roll a luck die DC 10 to see if you have it prepared or pick all spells at transformation.
41). Localized Terraforming, terraform the local terrain in a 50ft radius. Dm and player pick the effects, terrain is normally tied to the character's mood alignment or background.
42). WereWhat? A creature with blood at the mouth has been addled by the moon. It will attempt to attack someone nearby. On hit, make a constitution saving throw DC15, on a failure you will eventually become a werecreature of any possible origin. Note the more unusual, the more fun. Things to consider, Sharks, Plants, Boars, Spiders, Swarms of Things (SNAKES!!!), Small Mimics, Apes, Cattle, Goldfish, DeathDogs, Elephants, Moose, Giant Octopus, Giant Lizards, Giant Honeybadgers, Saber Tooth Tigers, AxeBeaks. Please note people will usually go into a rage when transforming and feel the need to hurt others, DC 15 wis save to avoid this.
43). Flip to a random page in a monster manual. That thing will be summoned as an illusion for 1 minute, it will obey a single sentence instruction before carrying out it’s order. This illusion has a range of a quarter mile to the caster, if it goes beyond that or when the time runs out the monster turns to colored smoke.
44). Take 1d4 points of madness or psychic damage, polymorph into a swarm creature for 1 minute, for example bees, rats, or snakes)
45). Transmutate random non magic material (this can include dead bodies) into some other complex material 1d12 pounds, range 15ft. Such as plastic, candy, paper mache, jam, meat, cheese, fabrics, stained glass.
46). Player increases their local gravitational weight by 10x, they take 1d6 force damage per turn for 1d6 turns. May leave impression in ground.
47). Change alignment, roll 1d10, on 10 no effect. Pick an alignment on the table corresponding to the number. Take 3d4 psychic damage as alignment changes. Curable with a remove curse, maybe the player doesn’t want to change.(perhaps another soul was reincarnated into you?)
48). Roll twice more on this table and ignore this result. One of you eyes change color and shape to be the opposite on the color wheel of your normal pigment as extra color cones are added to your eyes. Gain a permanent +1 to perception, this effect can only be gained once.
49). You explode, everything in a 10 ft radius of you takes 1d4x your level in a random damage type. You will reappear in 10 minutes when the remains reform into you.
50). A great enemy knows you and you know them, prepare to be afraid, when next you sleep or lie unconscious your dreams will be filled of them. Enemy example, a warlock patron, an ancient dragon, a titan, a mighty king, a devil, a demon.
51). Grow a thin plating of bone chitin crystal or metal. AC increases by 2 while this effect occurs. Exoskeleton is shed in 1d4 days.
52).An illusion of an event from the current location’s history is shown to everyone in 30 ft. The event can be either significant or directly related to events that have brought the group to this location. Effect lasts for either one turn or ten minutes depending on the extent of the event.
53). Aquatic adaptation, grow gills that let you breath underwater. Take one point of necrotic damage every turn that your gills aren't wet (use a wet towel). Effect ends on next long rest or when the user goes unconscious.
54). Attract all (1d4) (1 Bugs, 2 Spiders, 3 Birds 4 Rodents) to the location of the spell casts effect. All creatures attracted in a ¼ mile radius and affected creatures become free again after the destination is reached.
55). Secret Word, whenever a relatively common word or phrase is said, a rumble of thunder is heard in the distance. This effect lasts 24 hours. Examples; Rest, Bar, quest location, or npc name.
56). Die for 1d4 turns. Your body turns to a pile of ash. At the end of those turns have rematerialized with no memory of what just happened and reappear around a corner or behind a tree aware that everything's normal.
57). Overdrive. Gain the ability to exchange 10 hp for 1 sourcery point as a free flourish. Effect lasts 24 hours.
58). Where? Become aware of the nearest active or semi active portal to another plane of existence. A DC 20 arcana check is needed to understand where it leads.
59). Songs from the woods. Cast speak with animals on yourself, one animal has secrets or is up to something.
60).Deja Vu you receive a message from yourself from your future (18 seconds probably) giving you advice on what to do. Gain advantage if you don’t do what you are warned what not to do. If you do it you cause a yourself to send the message back or maybe it caused a parallel timeline who knows?
61). Tiny killer. A random object nearby (often a doll) falls under a tiny servant spell. If it can kill the person who gave it life in 8 days, it can live until destroyed. However if it fails to kill it’s owner, then the magic ceases and the doll becomes lifeless. Tiny killer is unusually intelligent understands basic poison, has a +7 to stealth checks and when non moving appears creepy but lifeless.
62). Mindswap. For 1d8 turns you and another ally swap minds. (you and another player trade sheets if possible. Otherwise ask what they want to try and do and that other player rolls for it.
63). Forceful Friendship. Everyone becomes charmed by everyone else for 1 minute. Effect has a fifty foot radius, and requires a DC13 charisma saving throw to be snapped out of at the end of your turn. Effect end once you take damage or make the save.
64). All color is swapped to a different spectrum in a 100ft radius for the next 1d20 hours. Usually photonegative or red shifting.
65). All color becomes black and white with other minor film noir effects in a 100ft radius for 1d6 days. Jazz is optional.
66). All books become slightly sentient with the minds of their authors or main characters for 1 minute. Can ask a book one question and if the books contains that answer it will share this information as the author might. After a question or one minute the magic passes and books revert to being ordinary.
67). Strobe. Roll a die at the start of every turn for the next minute. On an odd roll all is light effects are extinguished in a 100ft radius. On an even roll all light sources turn on in a 100ft radius. After one minute all light sources revert to how they were before this magic effect.
68). You cast hunger of hadar centered on where you’re standing. Effect lasts one minute or until dispelled with a dc 13 check, dc is also 13 to resist the acid effect.
69). Mask Meld. All disguises in a 100 ft radius become permanent for 10 +1d20 days. Any new disguise must be worn over the old.
70). Synaptic Clarity. Make an intelligence saving throw dc13. On a success cast haste on yourself for one minute. On a failure, cast slow on yourself for 1d6 turns and take 1d6 physic damage.
71). One random object is transformed into a mimic. The party is likely familiar with this item. Example, a tent, someone’s front door, a pair of drapes.
72). A deafness upon the sky. All creatures within a 1/4 mile radius become deaf for 1d6 hours. All creatures with blindsight additionally take that 1d6 in thunder damage.
73). Thinking with portals. Two interlinked wormholes appear within 100ft of your location. Both have opposite colors.
74). Little Bigman. Roll a d20, on a 10 or higher enlarge is cast on the user for 1d6 turns. On a 9 or lower reduce is cast on the user for 1d6 turns.
75). The mysterious stranger. The next time you attack anyone or anything a mysterious teifling man in a trenchcoat and fedora with a hand crossbow (or pistol depending on tech level) will appear out of the corner of your eye. He will then fire three times. The mysterious stranger never misses his mark and deals magical piercing damage 1d6+5 with every shot. He then disappears without a trace.
76). Cast Geas on the nearest humanoid with 20hp or lower. Must offer them generally helpful advice. Wisdom saving throw, DC13, disobeying this effect can knock unconscious but not kill.
77). Area will be heavily obscured by moths smoke birds bats butterflies balloons flumphs or even soap bubbles. Perception check DC 15 to see through this cloud. Cloud effect occurs in a 20ft radius of the spell effect. Cloud disperses within one minute.
78). Anti Assembly. One constructed object within 50 ft (something like a door coffin desk or bed) usually magical and sized large or smaller, is converted into its base components. Such as nails planks, stuffing, flannel, ect. A set of instruction in a language none of the players can likely read is placed on top.
79). Cast teleport to the place you were born or a place you have spent the majority of your life. Roll on the teleportation table. DC 15 charisma saving throw to resist this effect.
80). Localized Time warp. Roll a d6 on a 4 or higher time speeds up to twice that of normal in a 120 ft radius. Effect lasts 10 minutes standard time. on a 3 or lower time down to half that of normal in a 120 ft radius. Effect lasts 10 minutes standard time.
81). Terrifying Transmutation. Roll a d20 that much material in pounds will be transmuted from something nearby (usually air or surface dirt). Roll a d100 that’s is the element number that the material will be turned into, remember noble gasses change voices, alkalines explode near water, and plenty of pure elements are toxic to humans.
82). Aetheric Adaptation. Grow a pair of wings suiting your personality be it butterfly angelic, crow, parrot, bat, metallic, cloth, paper, cloak. Wings grant the user a 50ft fly speed and will become destroyed if the character takes 15 points of damage or flies over 50 ft off the ground. Characters already with wings are grounded until their next long rest.
83). Healing surge. Everyone in a 100ft radius takes 1d4 x the spell lv in hp recovery. Note this includes enemies.
84). Mirror Mastery. A doppelganger of that character lurks behind a mirror waiting for their opportunity. At their first opportunity they’ll jump out of the mirror and try to take over your life.
85). Homophonic. Replace something within 100ft with something that sounds like it. For example a club or bat becomes a vampire bat, a ottoman or trunk becomes an elephant’s trunk. A sign becomes someone’s signature suspended in midair, or a table might become a graph of numbers.
86). Loco Meteorology. All weather becomes highly unusual for 500ft radius, effect sometimes dependent on the caster’s mood. Effect lasts 1d6 hours, examples elf blood, dead animals, boiling rain, cheap wine, vinegar, perfume, wild magic flashes, radiant snow, necrotic ash.
87). Sandman scarcity. All creatures in a 250 ft radius are unable to sleep for 24 hours. Those already asleep suffer from nightmares.
88). Macroscope. Go unconscious for your next turn. Wake up at half hit points. While unconscious said character witnessed the entire universe down to the planar system and down back to themselves in just a few seconds. They have seen the grand cosmos and it may take time to process.
89). Natural 20 on the next check. Do not tell the player this.
90). Natural 1 on the next check. Do not tell the player this.
91). The players can hear a narrator direct how segments of the story are going. All rolls gains a +1 if they follow along with what the narrator says, All rolls gain a -1 to actively disobeying the narrator. Note this effect lasts 10 minutes and midway through the narrator will describe them doing something unusual such as an ancient ritual or screaming out obvious false statements that will make the other characters question them. The narrator is not the DM use a different tone of voice when orating as the narrator.
92). Danse Macabre. Every vaguely humanoid person dead body or thing. Has Otto’s Irresistible dance cast on them it’s a DC15 wisdom saving throw to stop dancing. Effect lasts one minute or until every creature has made it’s save.
93). Fiendly Trading. A devil from the outer planes wants to buy your soul, it will be polite about the whole affair until you refuse them. The more you refuse them the more they want it. They may resort to drastic measures such as employing bounty hunters and sending spam mail.
94). Dead magic zone. A disruptive thaumaturgical field appears making it so that no spell effect can occur for 1d6 turns in a 50ft radius. All magical effects occur normally after the field passes stops.
95). Necromantic Call. Everything in a 10ft x caster lv radius takes 1 necrotic damage x caster lv. Note this normally kills off most of the plant life, microbes and animals. The land could take years to recover.
96). The beast. A monster only one character can see stalks them. It desires a piece of them for reasons unknown and likely sinister. It will appear when the player is unconscious or asleep. Only then will other people be able to see it. The beast can be anything from a white wolf to a doppelganger in the form of a monster. The creature will leave once it has inflicted permanent damage or has been killed.
97). The Sleep Speaks My Name. Cast legend lore next time you sleep without materials or spellslots. The character will see a vision of either long forgotten ruins or an event so old in history that even some gods may have forgotten. The character may feel as though this place is familiar. Whatever secrets are held there are likely best left forgotten.
98). Soundtracer. You have a theme song, everyone within 30ft of you automatically adds a 1d4 every time they roll a d20 for the next minute. Note this includes enemies.
99). Roll on this table once per round for the next 1d6 turns. Ignore this result.
100). Permanent zone. Roll this table again ignoring this result. The rolled result becomes permanent in some way.